Tales Of Animal Healing

Stories about Animal Healing

Distant Healing with a Farmer’s Pony

The world renowned animal healer and animal communicator Margrit Coates, teaches that animal healing and animal communication operate on the same energy wavelength, which is why practising animal healing often leads a person naturally to being opened up to receiving messages and thoughts from the animals.

Early one May morning I walked with my companion dog Sian along a bridle path which climbs a hill and then borders a field where a farmer grazes some young horses and ponies along with his herd of cattle. Pausing to take in the view at the top of the hill, I noticed that away across the field, one of the horses, a distinctive black and white pony, was standing in a rather contorted position. My first impulse was to offer some distant healing to him across the field, so I attuned to the healing energy and asked the pony for permission. Along with the healing, which was gladly accepted, I received a clear communication that the animal was in fact in tremendous pain in all four feet, and had been so for a while. From my general knowledge of horses I recognised the condition of laminitis, a common enough problem in ponies turned out on rich spring grass. Using the healing energy, I communicated back to the pony with a promise that I would seek out the telephone number of the farm and alert the humans there to the situation.

Upon my return home, however, I discovered that my youngest son James was critically ill with suspected meningitis, and in the ensuing rush for the emergency services, I completely forgot about the farmer’s pony.

Then, forty-eight hours later, with James’ condition stabilised in hospital, I suddenly remembered the ailing pony. Wondering if the farm folk had by now discovered the situation for themselves, I decided to attune from my home to offer some distant healing. The very moment that I linked up the healing energy with the pony, I received a loud, clear and unmistakeable communication.

“Everybody forgets about me!” yelled a distraught and tearful voice, and I received a distinct impression of the poor pony, still standing in the field, in agony.

Mortified, I apologised profusely to my beleaugered friend and promised to telephone the farm straight away. This I did, and was informed, “No, we have not noticed anything, but we will check straight away.”

A couple of days later I had some time to revisit the bridlepath, in between work and hospital commitments, and I was relieved to see that the pony had indeed been removed from the field.

James thankfully recovered after ten days in hospital, and six weeks later, at dusk one lovely summers evening I again walked with Sian along the same bridlepath. It was very quiet and peaceful, with the cattle lying down asleep on the other side of the thick hawthorn hedge.

Suddenly, a great commotion arose in the field. The cattle began leaping to their feet. Wondering what on earth could disturb them like this, I peeped through the hedge. There was my friend, the black and white pony, charging through the cattle, knocking them out of the way, searching for a gap in the hedge, which he found a little further ahead. Eyes sparkling and feet dancing, he thrust his handsome pony head through thick hawthorn hedging bounded on both sides by strands of barbed wire, and reached out joyously with his muzzle to kiss my face.

“Thank you,” I heard him say to me.

Astounded by the pony’s actions, I just thought; “Wow.”

At that moment I could not have felt richer or more blessed had I been spontaneously gifted with a huge monetary sum. I was stunned by the obvious awareness of the pony, and his determined act of thanks and recognition which enabled me to experience what it was like to feel utterly, spiritually rich.

I wandered home, deeply humbled by the incredible nature of the healing energy and the awesome wonder of this world, that we are all so privileged to be living in.

Kate Davies






Of Oak Trees, Animals and Distant Healing

One lovely September afternoon I walked with my beloved collie dog Sian along a section of The Heart of England Way. The ancient woods here were especially beautiful in the glowing autumn sunshine. However the peace of this wonderful occasion was very disturbed by a loud, relentless lamenting sound coming from a nearby herd of dairy cows, who had just been separated from their calves. The heart rending sound of their collective grief filled the surroundings and quite spoiled the atmosphere.

I walked along for a while, wondering if anything could be done to relieve their obvious distress, and I decided to try to offer them some distant healing.

At this point I was standing next to a particularly huge and ancient oak tree, with a further wood and about half a mile between my own position and the farm. Without knowing the reason why,I felt prompted to visualise myself joining with this wonderful tree to form a single massive healing channel and then to send a beam of healing energy out directly from my heart centre across to the cows on the farm.

The very same instant that this visualisation was put in place, the entire herd of cows fell silent. I was astounded. For a full ten minutes I remained motionless with this healing visualisation in place, and the ensuing silence was deafening.

Finally closing down the channel, I set off to retrace my steps to the car. A few laments gradually returned, increasing steadily in number as I walked along.

Pausing at the side of a further ancient oak tree, I repeated the visualisation process. Once again, immediate silence ensued. I held the healing visualisation for a further five minutes. This time the powerful peace remained unbroken as I walked all the way back to my car.

The power of love and the power of nature. Amazing.

Kate Davies